
Sideline Smiles

For years, I watched my boyfriend/husband run across finish lines. I watched him wrestle, catch touchdowns, hand-off batons, collect, medals, letters, and trophies not a few.

I watched our children kick soccer balls, spike volleyballs, catch footballs, wrestle, roller-blade, and run, as I tried to capture a million memories on film while sauntering (at the speed of light) along the sidelines.
Saturday we went to the Skate Park!
If you saw the grandma dodging and ducking skateboarders, bikers, and rip-stickers, to capture memories in the making- then you will know that I was on the side-lines (sometimes the front-lines!) again.

(But I will warn you---now that I'm a grandma):

IF you leave your board or ripstick for even a teensy tiny bit...
I may jump right on and ride the half-pipe with it!) Watch out! Granny on the rails! ;)


Elisa said...

I LOVE you. This post just made me happy. Look at them skateboarding! So fun to see nephews doing the same things your brothers did! Love it!

Amy said...

ha ha! Awesome! Look how big Jonathan is. Seriously, they are at the ages that we remember. So fun!